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Edible Gardening

Class Description

There are many reasons to consider edible gardening. It can be a hobby that promotes exercise and healthy living. Learning about crops and beautifying the home are other great reasons along with the aspect of saving money on groceries. In addition, edible gardens influence sustainable practices and reduce our environmental impact. Growing crops at home reduces the need to drive to the market and decreases the use of chemicals, pesticides and artificial fertilizers that contaminate our groundwater. Maintaining a lawn may be an aesthetic for some homeowners but there are not many benefits to watering turf, whereas watering an edible garden benefits families in aforementioned ways. While edible gardens require water, it is important to learn how to properly water them in order to not be wasteful. This class covers planning, soil preparation, warm season and cool season veggies, biennial and perennial crops, planting, watering, and, weed and pest management. 


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Kelly Takai

C-27, CLIA, EPA WaterSense Partner 

Kelly Takai has a background in horticulture, nursery management, and irrigation system design and installation. He is a Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor and an EPA WaterSense Partner. Because of his wide-ranging knowledge, Takai is GMC's curriculum developer and lead instructor. He has hands-on experience as well as technical and theoretical knowledge. For the past 12 years, he has taught countless classes and has presented seminars at various water conservation fairs and landscape conventions.

Class developed by Kelly Takai.

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Presentation Booklet

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